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School of Persian and Complementary Medicine

Our school at a glimpse

The School of Persian and Complementary Medicine provides advanced integrative medical care and high rank interprofessional education and research throughout its three divisions, Department of Persian Medicine, Department of Acupuncture, and Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences in Persian Medicine along with their associated clinics in Imam Reza Hospital.

School of Persian and Complementary Medicine>


School of Persian and Complementary Medicine includes the departments of Persian Medicine, Acupuncture and Traditional Pharmacology, two community-based outpatient clinics in Imam Reza Hospital in Mashhad.

Persian Medicine

Department of Persian Medicine creates an outstanding environment for integration of Complementary and Persian medicine intohealth system.

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Department of Acupuncture, the leading group of this field in Iran,provides high standard evidence based knowledge for  research,education and scientific exchange.

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Traditional Pharmacology
Department of Traditional Pharmacology follows research and product development purposes in the field of medicinal plants based on national needs and priorities.

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